Available in: Estonia and Latvia
The BankLink service is a real-time bank transfer service that enables secure payments between you and your EuroKingClub Account.
Step-by Step Guide
You will need to have a bank account with Hansabank (Estonia), Swedbank (Estonia) and Nordea (Latvia) to use this service
- Select BankLink service on the EuroKingClub Deposit Page
- Odaberite iznos koji želite uplatiti na Vaš EuroKingClub račun.
- You will be redirected to a secure payments page
- Log in using online bank security details
- Unesite tražene detalje plaćanja i potvrdite plaćanje
- Your bank authorises the payment in real-time deducting the amount directly from the your account. If there are insufficient funds available in your account, the transaction will be refused
- EuroKingClub receives a real-time confirmation of the payment by your Bank
- Primit ćete potvrdu od EuroKingClub da je Vaše plaćanje bilo uspješno